Why is Everyone Meditating? (Alexandria Issue #029)

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Adam Sadowski
6 min readOct 18, 2020

Featured Article


Why is This Interesting? The Meditation Editionwhyisthisinteresting.substack.com

“The problem, the Buddha taught, was that humans crave things. We seek pleasure (sex, ice cream). We avoid pain (breakups, brain freeze). But the gratification of getting that pleasure or the gratification of avoiding that pain doesn’t last. So we want more pleasure. We want less pain. Biologically, this is a great system for creating offspring or avoiding sabretooth tigers. Capitalistically, it’s a great system for developing dating apps and oxycontin. Emotionally, however, it seems best suited for remaining in a perpetual state of dissatisfaction. The Buddha’s lesson was that you can sidestep this cycle of craving by regulating, through meditation, how you respond to your own desires.”

Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

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Adam Sadowski
Adam Sadowski

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